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Restaurateur Coco Frisk
Season 20 maj – 17 sept
Dock of departure Nybrokajen
Number of guests
Total on board 218
Dining room, top deck 56
Stern lounge Cafeteria
Ladies lounge 12
Christmas table/Buffet 70
Travel/Cocktail arrangements    200
Sun deck 95
High chair for children 2
building year 1906
Lenght 33,3 meter
Beam 6,3 meter
Deep-draught 2,7 meter
Max speed 12 knop
Comfort speed 7 knop
Machine Caterpillar 3408 DITA
Suitable for disableds
No lavatory for disableds. Steep stairs, high thresholds and smal doors.

The ship was built 1906 on Bergsunds varv. She is one of the traditional archipelago vessels with a dining room and a ladies-lounge on top deck. After 25 yrs out of traffic she was bought 1984 by Strömma and has since that been renovated a couple of times. Here you find the true feeling of a turn of century vessel regardless if you are in one of the lounges or ouside on deck.
Built on Bergsunds shipyard in Stockholm for Östanå Ångfartygs AB.

1906 - 1913
Trafficing Stockholm-Norra Ljusterö for Östanå Ångfartygs AB.

1913 - 1956
Same rout as 1906-1913 but for Waxholms Nya Ångfartygs AB.

Trafficing Stockholm-Vaxholm-Sandö.

1958 - 1964

1964 - 1985
Bought by Stiftelsen Skärgårdsbåten. Not in traffic.

Bought of Strömma Kanalbolaget who begun a extensive renovation of the vessel and placed back into traffic and available for rental. Later also in traffic for tourism excursions.

Restaurateur Göran Landh och Jesper Taube
Season 28 Jan – 19 Nov
Home dock Strandvägen
Total of guests
Total onboard 350
Dining room, top deck 150
Ladies Lounge, top deck 49
Gentlemens Lounge, main deck   30
Aft deck/bar Bar/cafeteria
Christmas table/buffet 190
Travel/drink arrangement   350
Sun deck 50
High Chair for children 1
Building year 1931
Length 48,57 meter
Beam 8,53 meter
Deep Drought 3,2 meter
Max Speed 11 knot
Komfortfart 9 knot
Machine 2st Volvo Penta TAMD
Suitabnle for disableds
Lavatory adapted for disableds. 90 cm wide gang way. Threshold and steps onboard.
A floating jewel from the 1930's, built in Oskarshamns shipyard for the Royal general postal mail board of directors and named S/S Öland. During many years she was in traffic between Kalmar and Förjestaden, being built especially to break ice on the harsh winters. The old steamer was saved from the junk-yard and after restoration she was re-inaugurated in May 2000 by king Carl XVI Gustaf. The original steam machine still functions even though today she is operated with modern diesel machines.

The vessel is the last steam ship that the Swedish general postal mail board of directors had built. She was built to be placed in traffic through one of the counties toughest winter waters between Kalmar and Förjestaden on Öland. The amount of ice in this sound requires a vessel strong enough to break the thick ice.

1957 - 1966
Until the summer of 1957 the boat operated on the line Kalmar-Färjestaden by S/S Öland. After this the vessel was sold to Rederi AB Wasa-Umeå and before she was placed back in traffic between Sweden and Finland she was extended with 11 meters which, amongst others, made it possible to take up to 35 cars on the journey over the sound. At the same time the vessel was re-named to S/S Korsholm III. The traffic to Finland proceeded until the year 1966.

1967 - 1985
In 1967 the vessel was bought by the Finish state where she, after yet some re constructions, was made to join the Finish marina. Year 1975 the Finish shipping board of directors took over until the year of 1985.

1985 - 1989
1985 the ship was bought by a scrap merchant, probably for brake up and destruction of the vessel, but such was not the case. Since then many have had plans for what the usage of the ship might be, everything from café to floating office in Århus, Danmark.

1989 - 1996
Returned to Finish shipping company without running in traffic until 1996 when she was sold back to Sweden.

1998 - 2000
In the winter of  1998 the ship was bough by Strömma Kanalbolaget and that summer she caught  peoples attention as she was docked in front of the harbour of Saltsjöqvarn in Stockholms port entrance as a wreck.The ambition was to renovate the vessel into the classical style. Since the vessel was in such a bad condition the decision could be made first after a solid consideration by a planning board. the calculus to restore the vessel landed between 30-35 million Swedish crowns and on Friday the 23 of October 1998 the ship left Stockholm for renovation.

2000 ->
In May year 2000 she returned to Stockholm again, totally unlike the vessel she was when she left,  Stockholms largest floating party flat!