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Restaurateur Anne Blomberg
Season 29 April – 10 Sept
Dock of departure Stadshusbron
Number of guests
Total on boars 150
Dining roon, top deck Cafeteria
Dining room, main deck 42
Christmas table/Buffet 60
Travel/Cocktail arrangements   150
Sun deck Ja
High chair for children 0
Building year 1909
Length 22,8 meters
Beam 5,4 meters
Deep-draught 2,1 meters
Max speed 7,5 knot
Comfort speed 5 knot
Machine Motala trippel expansion
Suitable for disableds
Steps to board the vessel and on board. No lavatory adapted for disableds.
This is the only steam ship that Strömma Kanalbolaget has in it´s fleet. The reliable steam engine makes the passage quiet, smooth and comfortable. The ship has low free-boards and the closeness to the water-surface is much appreciated.

The vessel was built 1909 in Motala Shipyard (a sister vessel to M/S Angantyr) consturcted to traffic Lake Mälaren and the inner archipelago.

In the Swedish television series "Saltkråkan" the S/S Drottningholm played a major role. And Princess Christina is her godmother.
Restaurateur Göran Landh och Jesper Taube
Season 28 Jan – 19 Nov
Home dock Strandvägen
Total of guests
Total onboard 350
Dining room, top deck 150
Ladies Lounge, top deck 49
Gentlemens Lounge, main deck   30
Aft deck/bar Bar/cafeteria
Christmas table/buffet 190
Travel/drink arrangement   350
Sun deck 50
High Chair for children 1
Building year 1931
Length 48,57 meter
Beam 8,53 meter
Deep Drought 3,2 meter
Max Speed 11 knot
Komfortfart 9 knot
Machine 2st Volvo Penta TAMD
Suitabnle for disableds
Lavatory adapted for disableds. 90 cm wide gang way. Threshold and steps onboard.
A floating jewel from the 1930's, built in Oskarshamns shipyard for the Royal general postal mail board of directors and named S/S Öland. During many years she was in traffic between Kalmar and Förjestaden, being built especially to break ice on the harsh winters. The old steamer was saved from the junk-yard and after restoration she was re-inaugurated in May 2000 by king Carl XVI Gustaf. The original steam machine still functions even though today she is operated with modern diesel machines.
Restaurateur Not done
Season 29 April – 29 Oct
Dock of departure Stadshusbron
Number of guests
Total on board 285
Dining room, upper deck 72 + 10
Stern lounge Cafeteria
Christmas table/Buffét 80
Travel/Cocktail arrangements   285
Sun deck 60
High chair for children 1
Building year 1901
Lenght 32,8 meters
Beam 5,9 meters
Deep-draught 2,7 meters
Max speed 11 knot
Comfort speed 7 knot
Machine Caterpillar 3412 PLTA JWAC
Width of gang way is 90 cm. Thresholds and stairs on board. No lavatory adapted for disableds.
The ship was built 1901 om Bergsunds shipyard in Stockholm under the name M/S Nya Hillersjö for traffic in lake Mälaren. On the large foredeck prisoners were transported on the way out to the institution of Sartsjöanstalten and returning the foredeck was loaded with the vegetables harvested by the farmers from the district of Mälaren.

Today she is renovated with a large and light dinner room on top deck.

Godfather is prince Carl Philip.
Restaurateur Thomas Hansen and John Berlin
Season 13 April – 5 Nov
Dock of departure Strandvägen
Number of guests
Total on board 450
Dining room, top deck 90
Dining room, main deck Cafeteria
VIP-lounge 16
Christmas table/Buffet 100
Travel//cocktail arrangement    450
Sun deck 150
High chair for children 2
Building year 1990
Length 42 meters
Beam 7,65 meters
Deep-draught 1,2 meters
Max speed 30 knot
Comfort speed 20 knot
Machine 2 x MTU
Suitable for disableds
Yes, very suitable for disableds with adapted lavatories. The width on the gang way is 92 cm.
In 1990 the ship was build at the ship yard Boghammar Marin at Lidingö. The water jet engines makes the ship very fast in speed, and at the same time it makes it a quite and vibration free jurney.
There are two great sun decks which gives you a great view, and the aircondition onboard makes the jurney very comfortable.
Few years back, she is equipped with spot lights along the sides of the hull. During the dark autumn nights we light up parts of the archepelago.
Restaurateur Carl Gustawson
Season 1 July – 26 October
Home Dock Nybrokajen
Total of guests
Total onboard 210
Dining room, top deck 110
Aft deck/bar Cafeteria
Gangway on the sides 16
Christmastable/buffet 100
Travel/Drink arrangement   210
Sun deck 55
High Chair for children 1
Building year 1912
Length 34,3 meter
Beam 7,1 meter
Deep Drought 2,7 meter
Max speed 10 knot
Comfort speed 8 knot
Suitable for disableds
Lavatory adjusted for disableds. Thershold and stairs (58 cm wide) on board. Max 3 wheel chairs.
This beautiful lady was originally built for the Gustavsberg pottery factory to transport the products of the company. She was built to pass through the narrow passage of Baggensfjärden located between Stockholm and Gustavsberg. Today she is one of our most popular floating banqueting halls. On the main-deck there is a classic American bar with dark wood. the godmother is princess Lilian.

The restaurateur on board, Carl Gustawson, was rewarded 1991 with the winecompany Munskänkarna for a well combined wineceller on board M/S Gustafsberg VII.