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Restaurateur G?ran Landh och Jesper Taube
Season 28 Jan – 19 Nov
Home dock Strandv?gen
Total of guests
Total onboard 350
Dining room, top deck 150
Ladies Lounge, top deck 49
Gentlemens Lounge, main deck?? 30
Aft deck/bar Bar/cafeteria
Christmas table/buffet 190
Travel/drink arrangement?? 350
Sun deck 50
High Chair for children 1
Building year 1931
Length 48,57 meter
Beam 8,53 meter
Deep Drought 3,2 meter
Max Speed 11 knot
Komfortfart 9 knot
Machine 2st Volvo Penta TAMD
Suitabnle for disableds
Lavatory adapted for disableds. 90 cm wide gang way. Threshold and steps onboard.
A floating jewel from the 1930's, built in Oskarshamns shipyard for the Royal general postal mail board of directors and named S/S ?land. During many years she was in traffic between Kalmar and F?rjestaden, being built especially to break ice on the harsh winters. The old steamer was saved from the junk-yard and after restoration she was re-inaugurated in May 2000 by king Carl XVI Gustaf. The original steam machine still functions even though today she is operated with modern diesel machines.