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Restaurateur Sven Krook
Season 25 Apr – 30 Sept
Dock of departure Stadshusbron
Number of guests
Total on board 300
Dining room, top deck 75 resp 160
VIP-lounge 20
Christmas table/Buffét 0
Travel/Cocktail arrangements    300
Sun deck 70
High chair for children 2
Building year 1984
Length 36 meters
Beam 7 meters
Deep-draught 1,4 meters
Max speed 18 knot
Comfort speed 10 knot
Machine 2 x MTU
Suitable for disableds
Lavatory for disableds is availabe on board.

The vessel was built 1984 on the shipyard Boghammar Marin on Lidingö. She is one of the largest and most modern vessels owned by Strömmas with a large dining room and a large sun deck. Distingushing for the vessel are the large panorama windows in the stern.

Godmother is HKH Queen Silvia.

Build on Boghammar Marin for Ångfartygs AB Strömma Kanal.

Restaurateur Sven Krook
Season 1 July – 20 August
Home dock Västerås/Härjarö
Total of guests
Totla onboard 170
Dining room, top deck 0
Dining room, main deck Cafeteria
Christmas table/ buffet 0
Travel/drink arrangement 168
Sun deck 60
High Chail for children 0
Building year 1989
Lenght 34 meter
Beam 5,8 meter
Deep drought 2,1 meter
Max Speed 28 knot
Comfort Speed 23 knot
Machine 2 x MTU
Suitable for disableds
Steps down into the boat. No lavatory adjusted for disableds.
The vessel was built 1984 on the shipyard Boghammar Marin on Lidingö. She is one of the largest and most modern vessels owned by Strömmas with a large dining room and a large sun deck. Distingushing for the vessel are the large panorama windows in the stern.

Godmother is HKH Queen Silvia.

Built by Boghammar Marin