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When boarding M/S Victoria , the guide will meet up and tell you shortly about the route to Birka, and the different guided tours at Birka. On your way to Birka, the guide will tell you about the area, islands, and the Viking era.

On the arrival, you are welcomed by the guides on Birka. They will gruop you after your choice of guiding.

The guided tours are held in Swedish and English, and are included in the price.

Do not miss the dramatized shows, where you can meet colourful caracters, which comes the whole way from the Viking era. These shows are suitable for kids and their families and played during 1st of July – 20th of August, and weekends during low season.

There is a guide onboard at all departures from Stockholm, V?ster?s, Str?ngn?s, S?dert?lje and H?rjar?

For groups we can offer you your own guide. The charge is 1500 SEK for 1,5 hrs guiding, for 2 hrs 1875 SEK and there after 625 SEK per hour.
Guided tour in following languages
