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The experience starts from the time you board our turn of century vessel M/S Waxholm III. The day begins with a cup of coffee while our guide/hostess welcomes you onboard.

Our first stop is in Kymmendö before the large lunch buffé is served. Here our guide tells us about the history of the island and one of Sweden's most well-known authors – Strindberg.

Our next port of call is the island of Bullerö in the outer-archipelago, a favourite source of inspiration for Swedish painters.

Naturally we pay a visit to Sandhamn, the sailors? paradise. Her you can join the guide for a promenade before the dinner is served onboard on our return to Stockholm.

During the trip you?ll have several opportunities to go for a swim or sunbathe on sandy beaches or smooth seaside rocks. The weather in the archipelago is usually better than in the city, don?t forget your swimming suite!