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Restaurateur Thomas Hansen and John Berlin
Season 13 April – 5 Nov
Dock of departure Strandvägen
Number of guests
Total on board 450
Dining room, top deck 90
Dining room, main deck Cafeteria
VIP-lounge 16
Christmas table/Buffet 100
Travel//cocktail arrangement    450
Sun deck 150
High chair for children 2
Building year 1990
Length 42 meters
Beam 7,65 meters
Deep-draught 1,2 meters
Max speed 30 knot
Comfort speed 20 knot
Machine 2 x MTU
Suitable for disableds
Yes, very suitable for disableds with adapted lavatories. The width on the gang way is 92 cm.

Rerstaurateur Thomas Hansen and John Berlin
Season 12 May – 17 Sept
Dock of departure Strandvägen
Number of guests
Total on board 450
Dining room, top deck 90
Dining room, main deck Cafeteria
VIP-lounge 20
Christmas table/Buffet 126
Travel/Cocktail arrangements   450
Sun deck 150
High chairs for children 1
Building year 1987
Length 42 meters
Beam 7,65 meters
Deep-draught 1,2 meters
Max speed 25 knot
Comfort speed 20 knot
Machine 2 x MTU
Suitable for disableds
Yes, very suitable for disableds with adapted lavatories. The width on the gang way is 92 cm

In 1990 the ship was build at the ship yard Boghammar Marin at Lidingö. The water jet engines makes the ship very fast in speed, and at the same time it makes it a quite and vibration free jurney.
There are two great sun decks which gives you a great view, and the aircondition onboard makes the jurney very comfortable.
Few years back, she is equipped with spot lights along the sides of the hull. During the dark autumn nights we light up parts of the archepelago.
In 1987 the ship was build at the ship yard Boghammar Marin at Lidingö. The water jet engines makes the ship run fast, quite and vibration free at the same time.

Two great sun decks gives you a great view, and the aircondition onboard makes the jurney very comfortable.

During a couple of years M/S Cinderella II trafficed the water outsied France under the name M/S Navix.. Back then, she was equipped with spot lights on the sides of the hull, which now lights up the dark autumn nights in Stockhom´s archepelago.