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Restaurateur Anne Blomberg
Season 29 April – 10 Sept
Dock of departure Stadshusbron
Number of guests
Total on boars 150
Dining roon, top deck Cafeteria
Dining room, main deck 42
Christmas table/Buffet 60
Travel/Cocktail arrangements?? 150
Sun deck Ja
High chair for children 0
Building year 1909
Length 22,8 meters
Beam 5,4 meters
Deep-draught 2,1 meters
Max speed 7,5 knot
Comfort speed 5 knot
Machine Motala trippel expansion
Suitable for disableds
Steps to board the vessel and on board. No lavatory adapted for disableds.
This is the only steam ship that Str?mma Kanalbolaget has in it?s fleet. The reliable steam engine makes the passage quiet, smooth and comfortable. The ship has low free-boards and the closeness to the water-surface is much appreciated.

The vessel was built 1909 in Motala Shipyard (a sister vessel to M/S Angantyr) consturcted to traffic Lake M?laren and the inner archipelago.

In the Swedish television series "Saltkr?kan" the S/S Drottningholm played a major role. And Princess Christina is her godmother.