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The inner city achipelago

The archipelago begins before you even leave the city! Fjäderholmarna has something for all ages. Sunbathe on the cliffs or at the beach, or sit down to a delicious summer meal at one of the many cafeterias and restaurants. Why not enjoy a home-made ice cream at Glasstugan (The Ice Cream Parlour). Don´t miss out on an opportunity to visit some of the island?s museums or craftsmen?s workshops, or to take a look at the beautiful rustic

What to do

On the site where the Schnapps war played out and the military held sway, craftsmen and women working with traditional arts and crafts now reign supreme. The site is home to glassblowers, smiths, potters and textile workers. Here you´ll find a glorious mixture of arts and crafts, handicrafts and food. Close your eyes
and smell the scent of tar from the traditional boats, feels like a journey back in time.

You travel with

M/S Delfin XI & XII

On this tour we offer
Snack Child
Tidtabell/Timetable 2008

Pris/Price 2008

Fjäderholmarna Tur och retur/Return ticket SEK 95

Group & tablereservation

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